Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Want Tips on Natural Living??

Check out my article over on to read all about it.
Go see it!

Sunday, April 25, 2010


I have finally finished my new website that will be my basis of operations for my freelance writing. While I still need to get my new domain name and all that full stuff I would love if you would chick it out and give me your thoughts....
check it out here

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Home Sweet Home: The New Chicken Coop-Phase 1

We finally began construction for the chicken coop this weekend and despite having only started on Saturday afternoon, the girls moved in on Monday.

The interior of the coop is 10 feet by 6 feet by 8 feet with a 6 foot roosting pole. The two windows are floor level so they will be used as "chicken doors" once the pen is attached. The walls are double layered for added insulation and all painted and sealed to facilitate cleaning. The kids also added artwork to the walls so the chickens would have something to look at.

Here are the pictures up to this point. We will begin the landscaping and beautifying of the area this week, as well as the pen construction.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


As I emerge on this new path of freelance writing it is encouraging and joyful to see my first article in print in Pathways to Family Wellness Magazine.

Want to read the article? Click here.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Chickens Meet the Outdoors

Finally we had (unusually) warm weather here in Syracuse and the chickens got to meet the outdoors. Since we had no pen ready or coop for that matter we made a temporary pen that was so easy it was ridiculous! How??

We took the base of our trampoline and ran chicken wire around it securing it with zip ties. Then we covered the top with bird/deer netting. Total cost: $21. So this will be the daytime home for the chickens as weather permits until the coop is ready.

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